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#94 US Visas: What International MBA Students Need to Know About Working and Staying in the US

Emma Fisher, NYU Stern MBA '15

The US government is overwhelmed with people who want to work in the US. The process is designed to be difficult. It’s not personal. Their priority is to find US citizens jobs. You can get really frustrated and it’s hard not to take it personally, but you have to understand that. It does work out for a lot of people… International students can show they are more adaptable and resilient and can handle whatever comes at them – that you’re going to be successful no matter where you are – that’s the advantage you sell to the schools you’re applying to and the companies you’re recruiting for.”

Emma Fisher, NYU Stern MBA ’15, joins the show to discuss what international MBA students must know about working in the US during and after their US MBA. Emma and Darren walk through the common visa path for most international students – from F1 student visa to OPT/CPT to H1B. Emma also shares ways international students can maximize their chances of working in the US post-MBA.

About Our Guest

Emma Fisher is a Canadian who graduated from NYU Stern MBA in 2015. Emma pursued a US MBA to switch careers from private equity to luxury brand marketing. She currently works as a Merchandise Planner for Canada Goose in Toronto.

Show Notes

6 thoughts on “#94 US Visas: What International MBA Students Need to Know About Working and Staying in the US

  1. Its great that you conducted this interview. But I would urge listeners not to rely on Emma’s statements about the F1 visa and work requirements. She didn’t go through the processes she is talking about. You do not have 12 total months to work during gradschool and post grad school. If you do a google search you will see people provide better information on OPT and CPT. OPT is 12 full months after graduation. CPT is available during your MBA program. Also, you DO NOT have to have a job offer to apply for OPT! You can spend your OPT months looking for that job offer.

    It would have been nice to hear from someone who actually needed to stay in the US (because they were coming from a third world country for instance), as you will find their experience is not the same as a Canadian. The same opportunities are not available in India and Ghana the way they are in Canada. Thus the measures you will try to take to stay in the US are very very different, and you are on top of the facts when you talk about immigration.

    I appreciate the effort Touch MBA, but it would be awesome if you would do another interview, this time with someone coming from a non-western country that provides accurate information.

    1. Hi OG, thanks for writing in. Would you mind sharing the links you mentioned about OPT and CPT? That would help me – and other listeners – a ton. I’m also curious to hear more about what makes the situation different for international candidates from countries like India and Mexico. Could you explain? I’d love to hear your personal experience.

      1. I have some helpful links about these VISAs, and actually, I checked the information on the US Govt website and it looks like Emma was pretty spot on with a few minor timeline differences. Although, as you say it varies year to year.

        F1 VISA INFO (all links from US Govt. Website)
        * Emma said VISA holders must vacate 30 days, but that´s actually the M category (vocational not academic programs). For F category MBA students, they actually have 60 days to leave, assuming they haven´t requested OPT/CPT.

        OPT and CPT info links: (Couldn´t find much about CPT…)

        EAD (Employment Authorisation Document) Card info:

        H-1B VISA info:

        Info on special VISA for Mexican and Canadian nationals, TN:

        L1 Visa (same page for L2 info)

        Hope those help candidates who want to research and fact-check like OG! 🙂

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